We exert effort to make the world meet our needs.
Afraid or uncertain, struggling with scarcity, we exert effort to make the world meet our needs, often starting with our partner.
We try to make our partner hear us, understand us, embrace us, validate us, see us. Sadly, when we do this, our partner can see us turn into another force in the world, and most people don’t like to be forced to do things, especially by a loved one. Reading this, you might be the one pushing your partner. You might feel pushed by your partner. Chances are, you’re both.
Dynamics like this make us feel stuck
Dynamics like this make us feel stuck - in a place we didn't choose, don’t deserve, and feel powerless to change.We feel something is being done to us. When we feel this way with a partner, the pain is intense, so we try to get through to our partner, and that’s where I can help.